Our innovation is based on our capacity for design and a combination of materials, products and production processes, in order to find the most competitive solution.
Gallizo, new challenges, new solutions.
Innovation, at the heart of our growth
Throughout our history, the search for better solutions to resolve the needs of our customers has been at the heart of our growth, and has at the same time brought us to the point where today we enjoy a high degree of technical specialisation in our two core businesses (industrial counterweights and prefabrication for construction) and a positive degree of diversification in our activities, aimed at a varied group of markets and countries.
Along the way, we have developed numerous innovation projects, with significant investment and the support of prestigious institutions such as CDTI (Centre for Industrial Technological Development) and ENISA. . Our innovation projects have covered the development of products and production processes and technologies, and innovative sustainable solutions.
It is, in particular, our conocimiento técnico, which allows us to propose innovative solutions to our customers, on occasions introducing new alternatives which had not previously been explored, and which provide significant advantages, above all in terms of economic savings.
Colaboration, a keystone of our innovation
Many of our most innovative solutions have arisen through close collaboration with our customers, beginning with a detailed definition of their specifications. From that moment, we employ our experience and our capacity for design and a combination of materials, products and production processes, in order to find that new solution which meets all expectations.
Emblematic projects
Thanks to our high degree of specialisation, we have taken part in such emblematic projects as the AVE to Mecca or our collaboration in the construction of the European Neutron Source. These projects say a lot about our innovation capability.