The Gallizo superblock forms part of European scientific development

GALLIZO. Casos de éxito. CERN. Slider

The superblocks will be a significant component in the construction of the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden. Their insulation and protection function will join the complex machinery at this future European centre for scientific research.

The European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) is developing one of its largest projects in the Swedish city of Lund: the construction of the European Spallation Source (ESS). The project will set up a research centre in what will be one of the most powerful neutron sources in the world, and will be complemented by the main neutron sources as a resource for research into some of the main areas of scientific application; life sciences, environmental technology, the management of cultural heritage, or particle physics.

The contribution from ESS Bilbao has been essential in developing the contribution by Gallizo to this European project. Through its collaboration with the ESS centre, the Bilbao centre for neutron technology contacted the Cinco Villas company, in order to call upon one of its prefabricated concrete products. The Gallizo superblocks, manufactured from standard and high density concrete (HDC), will act as the radioactive shielding and insulation room during the process of neutron acceleration. At this point, beams of protons will be held, in order to submit them to diagnosis and calibration, prior to spallation. The coordination by ESS Bilbao, together with the departments of Production, Quality and R+D from the Ejea-based company, was indispensable for the success of the process and its results.

Through this project, Gallizo is consolidating one of the applications of its prefabricates concrete as a radioactivity insulation material, and is strengthening its position with regards to research and innovation. In addition, it is consolidating its position as a supplier in a position to provide guarantees regarding large-scale international projects.

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