
Obsession for a job well done and commitment to the customer We take the quality of our delivery service very seriously.

Gallizo, each delivery a personal commitment.

Gallizo . Nuestros valores empresariales. Fiabilidad en las entregas

The trust that Gallizo has developed through its logistics management has been one of the reasons for its success and growth. We have attempted to faithfully meet demands with respect to the delivery of our products, both for local customers and for those working with us beyond our borders.
Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Finland, and of course the entire national network, are some of the frequent destinations for Gallizo products. Experience in the management of transport allows us to obtain excellent results in delivery key performance indicators (KPI) for our multinational customers, through a demanding protocol of Just In Time deliveries (JIT deliveries) and a flexibility regarding packaging and loading specifications which marks us out with respect to our competitors.
Not only do we worry about a job well done within our facilities, but we also work with the most competitive, trustworthy logistics providers on land and sea, with constant control over our products and speedy localisation of shipments. In addition, we have a national and international transport network which allows us to adapt with a high degree of flexibility to the current demands of the market with deliveries of large and small volumes, urgent shipments, the management of special transport, and the tracking of materials.
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