Business vision

We work hand-in-hand with our customers, providing our industrial experience, our capacity for innovation, and our obsession for a job well done, from the design of solutions to an impeccable delivery service. In Spain, in Europe, and anywhere in the world where our customers need us.

Gallizo. Corporativo. Visión empresarial

At Gallizo we are working to imprint our enthusiasm, knowledge and trajectory on the processes we use in order to transform raw materials into a product or service that provides necessary essential value.
We have the firm intention to satisfy the customer, which is the purpose of all the links in the chain of which we form a part. We try to give meaning to this priority by working hand-in-hand with our suppliers and customers with the support of three keystones: care, innovation and efficiency.
To do this, Gallizo bases its activities on the foundations of quality, respect for the environment, and responsibility towards our workers through professional and personal development within a family business with international standing.
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