
Facilities in three European countries, and service throughout the continent or anywhere our customers need us.

Gallizo, working in a global world

Gallizo. Nuestros valores empresariales. Internacionalización

Our export business, which began in 2012, was the start of a change in focus and philosophy at Gallizo, which has successfully managed the transition from local presence to the international area. Our products are now delivered to practically the whole European continent, and a large section of the main global trade areas.
With facilities in three countries (Spain, Italy and Poland), Gallizo is reaffirming its international venture. Both the demands of a global market and a commitment to our products by customers gave us the final boost towards extending our offer beyond our borders.

Gallizo. Instalaciones. Fábrica España. Ejea de los Caballeros

Gallizo. Polonia. Nueva fábrica

As a result, Gallizo has carried out some of its most emblematic projects outside Spain, and has made clear its commitment to developing with a definite international character.
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